Truth and myths about finding a job
One of my sayings is sometimes I get fed up and as a result of that I get fired up and I want to talk a little bit about making a successful career transition and deal with some of the bumper stickers that are out there and thats what I would refer to some of these water liners that I see from time to time and I think can refuse folks in transitions so let me take a 4 or 5 of these that weve all heard but knowing what's the truth and what's the myth is what I will try to clarify. The first one that I often hear is getting a job is a job is a full time job and I understand when someone says thats a true statement I guess thats the world they're coming from but let me clarify why I would say it's a false statement, to get another job is not a full time job because there are some jobs out there that I would put in a category of incredible hard to fill and they're looking for bodies and if you're willing then chances are you can go down and apply at burger king and be working the next day so make that point playfully but also to say that the people that I worked with in a transition are not looking for a job and thats the point I want to make therefore, let me modify that statement, to gain a full time job of high quality often can be a full time proposition there tends to be a correlation between your ability to dedicate a good amount of time which that leads me to the fact of statement it's better to have a job in order to gain a (inaudible) they and I would say the most people will say true I would say false or it depends my sense of that again is that if you have a full time job the good news is that you dont have to answer that sometimes difficult question why did you leave or what happened over there in your most recent position however, you still have to answer the question of why are you seeking another position at this time or at least why are you willing to explore it and so thats still on the table, the other part is that if you have a demanding full time job you better know how to work incredibly smart to gain that next position so I think you get the point between therefore it really does depend you can have a full time job and have resources like and search from working on your behalf, posting resumes and so forth but again just dont take it as it appears it only ask every person who has a job thats about to do better than those who dont thats just not true. The third one that comes to mind is the most qualify candidate will most likely be selected and unfortunately that is false the person who has the qualifications that match up incredibly well but who also has the ability to convey those credentials particularly aligned to the specific opportunity is the person who is more likely to be selected so keep that in mind it's not just about having the qualifications, it's the ability to convey those in a crisp and compelling way. Another statement that is made out there is if you follow a proven methodology youre bound to be more successful in a transition and I would say thats false, a proven methodology is a great thing but the problem is that not only they're does there need to be a science to this transition but their needs to be some at least acknowledge that there's a psychology to a successful job search and so just keep that in mind the ability to have faith and to be resilient and to bounce back is also critical so I would say that it's a true statement follow a proven methodology and know how to cope with the potentially ups and downs of a employment transition then I would say you're good to go.