The importance of pinpointing the reasons why you hate your job
How often have you thought or heard someone say, "I hate my job"? Your friend, your partner, family member, co-worker. "I hate my job!". I hear it all the time. It's what I do for a living. People tell me frequently, "I hate my job!" Research this past year has shown us that up to 86% of people have indicated they would like to get out of their current jobs. They would like to switch jobs. Not because all of them hate it. They maybe looking for promotions or relocations but a good portion of people are very dissatisfied with their jobs. At any given day that can feel like hating your job, I often ask people, "what is exactly what you hate about your job?" Do you hate the structure of your job? The hours of commute? Do you hate the tasks? Do you hate the people? The clients? The co-workers? The boss who doesn't treat you well? It's not such a cut and dry question sometimes. How long have you hated your job? Have you always hated it? Did it change at some point? It could be a difficult question to answer. But Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman, who wrote the 2011 bestseller "Thinking Fast and Slow" and to that he won the Nobel Prize for Behavioral Economics, it's a fascinating book to read. He has an acronym he used in the book called What You See Is All There Is. I guess that's not the acronym but what you see is all there is. Unfortunately what happens to us is what we're feeling and thinking in the moment seems to project backwards. It's all we can remember about the situation. So, if we feel we're hating our job today, we struggle and wonder "Did I always hate my job?" So, stop and pin point. Did you hate it last week? Last year? Did you hate it all of last year? If can start to pinpoint when you hated something, how you felt about exactly what you disliked, then you can start to make the changes you need to make. It doesn't necessarily have to be a whole self-change to throw your job there and walk out. There maybe things that you can change that make a difference. The person in the office next to you. The commute time. The hours. Some of the tasks that you do. Figuring out and pinpointing exactly what your struggles are and what you hate is the first step to making changes. So would give you an advice if you feel you hate your job, pinpoint what you hate about it. Identify the changes you can make and begin to make them. Insight fuels our ability to make changes. Gain the insights. Find someone to help you gain those insights and begin to make the changes tomorrow, today! Good luck.