Don't sell your time to everyone and not have time for yourself
_______Andrew_______: Adyashanti. What I like about him is he never meditated. And a lot of this, what I've talked you about is like, like intern, internalize, or interlink what he says. The idea is learning how to become the objective observer. Understanding of where it is and the key thing for most of you who prefer meditation, you say that I can't shut up the chatter. What's interesting about his material? He talks the whole time through the meditation. But it's done in a way where it addresses the conscious mind, with questions they cannot answer. They have to be answered experiencially. And that is so cool because people will listen to his stuff and go. This is meditation, this is, did you realize that your mind was busy? But you, as the observer, was meditating. As you quick his way, for people to get in the meditation, there isn't material because, it's so transparent. It's so simple. And the idea people always say, well, it's so hard to meditate, it's because you're doing meditation. Then meditation is a natural state. We go through our daily lives where in an unnatural state, in the sense that we have to keep busy in our mind. When I ask you to go around, walking around in a meditative state, but to realize it is a natural state that we go to every day when we, we're fully relaxed. _______Madison_______: Wow. Wow. _______Andrew_______: It's not something you have to take on, by doing this right. But this seem like breathing, like I'm a heart rate, um, this is, like really a lot. _______Madison_______: Okay. _______Andrew_______: And that's the evil talking to you. Through the tape that you have in your head. And to realize that you're observing that. Coz when you think about it, when you have those internal dialogue going on, you're observing it. You're actually one step behind that, looking at this is going on. _______Madison_______: Hmm... _______Andrew_______: Just like seeing the directors watching this, oh, okay, that's my movie going on. This is the soundtrack, do you wanna listen? Why did you just change the station? Why do you wanna listen to instead? _______Madison_______: Right. Right. I really like that. I can, I can, I think back to what you were saying? It's all about really, controlling, controlling your radio station, like you were saying. _______Andrew_______: But then, eventually what happens is it, is you allow the natural radio station... _______Madison_______: Yes. _______Andrew_______: To come through you. Because when you use the word control to, that's the negative state. _______Madison_______: Hmm... _______Andrew_______: Can you think about it? When you imagine a pick ball, okay? You have a muscle over its mouth, and you're saying, it's no longer, you're not in control, it's not part you're eating, right? You take the muscle off. What happens? It runs around crazy barking and so forth but eventually comes back, when you're already relaxed. _______Madison_______: Right. Right. _______Andrew_______: And like Adyashanti is the examples of, when you're meditating, the idea is that when you relax, you see the dialogue going on. You see the words going pass, it's like, ah, I need the, the analogy of like, when you're sitting on a hilltop and you see those beautiful puffy clouds going across. And just watch and go by and daydreaming and so forth. And you get, you just observe them, you don't pay attention in the sense what they are about. You just observe it. And what happens is, you just keep finally keep on drifting away until there's nothing there. _______Madison_______: I love that. _______Andrew_______: It's like stepping into a room when you first, buy a new place and nothing there, you ride away your mind goes, how can we fill it up, right? _______Madison_______: Right. Right. Right. _______Andrew_______: Well, imagine from on stepping into that room and allowing it to be just that room. For that moment for what it is, right? And not having to fill it up. You think about it. What happens to my people say when I fill it up? No. It's like when I first start coaching clients, they look at their daily planners, it's so were you in here. They go, what do you mean? This is, well, where are you? This is what, that's me, that's no, no. That's your day that you have to do. Where's the time for you in here? _______Madison_______: And what's the answer usually? _______Andrew_______: They don't have any time. They say that's watches. Do you have a half hour or an hour you take off for yourself on the course today? Aren't you worth that at least? Isn't your time worth that? Or I made 2, 3 to hours now, and they go it, this is all, um, what you're mean, you're not worth giving yourself $200 with the value in your day. You're selling yourself to everybody else but yourself. _______Madison_______: Oh, I love that. It's good. Oohh, yeah. _______Andrew_______: If that's where you, when you start... _______Madison_______: Yeah. _______Andrew_______: Start turning around, so people can start seeing, how were, how does their value system structure. And how did they could have value into their day? I mean, the true essence of, we're trained as, as, society that we sell our time for money, right? What are people in there wanting the most out of life, is more time? So what if you're able to have both of those, or you can have the time and have your finances taken care of. Have a win-win situation, how might that be?