Defining essence
____________________Madison_______________ what do you define "as the essence". What is essence? _________________Leona Wallace______________ Essence, it's like if you take... you take like a glass of water, and you take a drop of oil, and that's your essence. And you put it in there, that is the... oil, the oil will [[dielived??]] right? __________________Madison______________ Yeah, I love it. __________________Leona Wallace_________ It'll still be surrounded by else's water. But you still have that essence whether it is lavender, you know earth that, or whatever scent that might be. That's the essence and it still in there, that's like the one thing that is holding it together, it doesn't delink from the water. _____________________Madison_____________ I love that. _____________________Leona Wallace________ Like that... I would love to... _____________________Madison______ I love that, I am like... I love that. (Laughs) _____________________Leona Wallace______ (Laughs) You are... that's a beautiful part with my [[pookeram??]], you know? It's awakening that up. It's remembering that essence. That's your beauty!